Paper War

So, I was looking at Cyborg Dragon’s latest few works and wanted to give that new style of him a try as well ^^ So here I’m working on a WW1 style soldier to place on some sort of battlefield that I still have to make. Looking for comments and critique, mainly on the anatomy because that seems to suck :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the lower legs are too short… and it lacks a nack but I’m not going to fix that cuz it looks semi-cool ^^

List of things to do…

  • fix anatomy
  • make scene (duh :P)
  • make attributes such as rifles, banners and stuff
  • perhaps make an enemy (germans? brits? mutants? ^^)
  • add some more detail where needed

That’s not WW1 style.

And this is with helmets.

EDIT: Actually, on second thought, your soldiers uniforms/helmets and gas masks look like the Germans’. So you wouldn’t be making Germans next so much as you’d be making Brits/USA/Canadians. See pictures above for reference in that department.

Meh, it’s just slightly WW1 inspired then :stuck_out_tongue:

lol, this is a very unique concept you have going there

Nice, I hope you plan on animating this.
As far as style, I wouldn’t worry too mutch about the anatomy. Its got an obviouse cartoon feel, liken to south park. Accuracy doesn’t really matter in the cartoon world.

I think I’ve fixed the legs well enough (made the lower leg longer and shortened the uper leg, I think it looks better). I gave them backpacks and started work on a scene, though I need to figure a way out to make an explosion and some blood for those who are hit (most notably the guy in the forground left…)

Also I don’t think I’ll be doing an animation on this but I might look into animating a bit when I have the time or finish this one (if I actually finish this one because all posted works so far have never been finished by me :p)

Also, now that I look at it I think it needs more dead people >_>

I think this one is almost done… I’m just looking for some more critique on how to improve this before posting it in the finished projects section…

A sky would help.

And some discernible light…

What light? :stuck_out_tongue: And if I’d do a sky, would I have to get rid of the fog or what?

have some planes flying overhead and dropping bombs… to explain that explosion

My flat images incorperated lighting to help bring out depth in the image, like spotlights with soft buffer shadows.

You wouldn’t have to get rid of the fog.

Depends on what kind of sky you made. Maybe you could make it a low fog, so that there’d be fog at the bottom and then it’d fade up, and then add a grey gradient to the sky background. Now, adding an image back-ground would–of course–screw the fog, because blender fog is a cheap hack, so could use ‘premultiply’ for alpha, and then lay your picture over the sky background in blender nodes or–much easier–photoshop.

You can adjust the fog to have a height in the world/mist panel… then the sky will blend nicely.

Well, I’d probably need to get rid of the fog in order to get a sky… or I could start experimenting on particles and halo effects for a foggy effect near the ground (as in: poison gas attack ^^). And now I shall search the internets on my quest to find the meaning of the word ‘discernible’ :stuck_out_tongue:

edit; whoa, double sniped ^^ I shall have a look at both techniques :slight_smile:

2nd edit; I shall have a look tomorrow because it’s 0:37 by now >_>

for blood, you might want to mess with particles and dupliverted splat shapes (similar to the end credits in 300)

I really like the way it’s coming along, basically the same complaints as everyone else.

I may have to try something like this now…

you’ve inspired me… i thought cyborg’s were cool… i think im gonna try something flat too…

you really need to make an animation of this battle

Stuck an image to a plane, I think it looks better then it looked first but it’s still crap :stuck_out_tongue:

Needless to say that I’m still a huge noob and will start looking into some tutorials right away >.<


Artillery fire :wink:

Very nice style. Gonna animate?

Tnx for the kind words, and no I probably won’t animate this one. I might look into animating later and do something similar to this but animated though.

And I think I’ve improved the background quite a bit by now :slight_smile: Added some trees and a second group of troops (just copypasta, got bored of posing :p). Also lowered the fog somewhat more to show more of the background. I’m thinking about adding some trees to the left closer to the camera to give the looks like they’re leaving a forest. Still thinking about what I’ll do with the top right part of the image… Also haven’t found out how they did the blood in 300 yet so I might try it later with shadeless materials and 3d models rather then 2d.

edit; just noticed that there are trees floating in the left of the image, fixed it allready I have >_>