Thought I’d try my hand with landscapes again. I took a few suggestions from another thread I posted here and used ANT combined with bump maps.
I’m not finished with this guy yet. Probably going to add a few more rocky areas and maybe pop in some muddy areas as well. The thought of adding little huts and a dock crossed my mind, but I think adding a human presence might ruin the paradise type feel. This might end up in an as of yet un-started animation so any feedback is much appreciated. I’m trying to keep render times down since it might be animated. Currently render time is around 8 minutes, but I can probably lower that a good bit by increasing the step size on the clouds. I figure in an animation the graininess from increased step size won’t be as noticeable.
I usually save my images in PNG format which I think gives a bit of a higher quality result, but I have trouble uploading PNGs to this forum so I converted it to JPG and lost some quality, but not a whole lot.