
anyone know others?

here’s mine:

I always lie!

(think about it…)

hehe! I like that!

A classic: You’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t!


If I go back in time and kill myself, then I won’t exist to go back in time and kill myself, so I will exist so I can go back in time and kill myself… Thank God time travel’s impossible.

Here’s another one about time travel:

If you go forward in time and see yourself murdered, then could you prevent yourself being murdered because you saw you? But then that would not have been the future so you couldn’t have prevented it.

Or maybe everything is made by fate and you can’t prevent it? That would be scary, knowing you were going to be murdered…

Spreaking of time travel and paradox, I recommend you to watch a movie called, “Waking Life.” It has a lot of interesting dicussions that make you think! :slight_smile:

I shall sayth no more for thee need to hearth it on thy own. :wink:

Nice going, just for mentioning Waking Life you got ten Cubefan points.

Yay! I got 10 Cubefan points!!! jumps around

lots of paradoxes (what is the plural of paradox?) in a book by martin gardner: ‘aha! gotcha: paradoxes to puzzle and delight’.

everything from time, geometrical, logic, etc paradoxes. very good book (and it has pictures, yay! :stuck_out_tongue: ).



Yay! I got 10 Cubefan points!!! jumps around[/quote]

Uh yeah, you might think it’s great and all but when you get 30 points he stalks you with a shotgun. :o

Don’t worry, DM7. When I start stalking you with the shotgun, it’s only got one bullet… and I always get hungry hiding in the tree and eat it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously, let’s do the free will speech:

How can you be truly free if God already knows everything you’ll ever do?

Also good by the same director is “Slacker,” but it’s not so much about philosophy as it is about slackers who never do anything with their lives. (Anyone want a Madonna pap smear? Okay… who wants to borrow my PixelVision? You should quit… youy should quit… sorry, can’t resist.) There is some philosophy, but not too much (like in "Waking Life, which you’re right, is absolutely great :smiley: )

PS: To valarking, “Let my own lack of a voice be heard.” :wink: foom

I think I’ve figured out the answer to the paradox I posted up, if you go back in time and kill you’re self you will only be dead in a parallel universe and not in the universe that you went back in time from in the first place. See? perfectly simple. :slight_smile:

sorry dosn’t work as for parallel can’t exist because you need string theroy for that to work and our teahers say that particles make up the world

Don’t believe everything you get taught at school, I sure as hell don’t. Anyway why does string theory need to exist to allow paralel universes to exist? That could be a pointless question though, seeing as time travel is impossible anyway (at least I’m pretty sure of that).

Oh, and I found an adaptation of the lying paradox:

That was an excange between two philosophers, Ibid and Xeno, from the discworld book, ‘Small Gods’ by Terry Pratchett. It’s a great book.

Your sig seems to have a paradox if it’s talking about one person. “Equal and opposite?” :-? :o

BTW: A man is captured by Indians and is told that if he says something true, he will be cooked; if it’s false, he will be hung & eaten. What he says gets him freed: “I will be hung & eaten.”
