Parametric bottle

I don’t know if this should be here or in the addons forum, feel free to move. Strictly speaking it’s not an addon as it involves no coding but functionally it’s an easy way to model various kinds of (liquor) bottles, for scenes that require lots of them.

Let’s get to it though:

In the attached .blend, there is a bottle. You can create variations of it by adjusting it’s shape keys, and choosing the corresponding UV maps to position the label correctly. You can mix & match the shape keys to create all kinds of combinations of shapes.

The shape keys control:

  • The curvature of the upper part of the bottle
  • The thickness of the neck
  • Squareness of the body
  • A recess for the label
  • The cross section shape (rectangular - square), and
  • Whether the cap region is flush or sticks out of the neck

You can either choose from the predefined materials or modify the nodes, which have been arranged into groups for easy editing.

Finally, the amount of booze is configurable by the shape keys of a transparent cube. Unfortunately I was not able to create the curvature of the liquid near the glass without breaking configurability.


parametric-bottle2.blend (5.83 MB)