Paratroopers blasting from a true jet

Excuse a old man and his nostalgia but this plane fascinates me. The speed and range is truly something. By the way if you watch the link please cut your sound up to about 3/4s since sound is part of the experience.

Now the first plane I jumped was a C-119, The Flying Boxcar. And, I loved that plane although it would sit there on the runway and shudder like the rivets were popping out. Then when the pilots revved the engines up for take off you were sure the bitch was coming apart. But, the doors stayed open doing flight and the jump masters would allow any kid to hookup and stand in the door.

Then came the C-123 and C-130 turbo props. Amazing planes but nothing like what is in the link. This plane can refuel in air if I’m not mistaken and reach anywhere on the globe. Plus they can carry a heavy drop with the Troopers. And, while it is a terrible way to insert a man into battle we need to retain the capability. In peacetime jumps are at 1250 feet if memory serves me. But, in combat this big bitch would come in quite a bit lower probably trailing flares.

Now that is just my observation. There might be a recently retired jump master on here with a entirely different take for all I know. Hell I was a corporal from a different time. Regardless I hope you enjoy the post.