I’m new to blender and trying to figure out how to attach a cup to the Snow rigs hand. I’ve been trying all day to figure this out and still not having much luck.
Also before I begin I’m using Blender 4.3.2
I created a bezier circle and parented it to the cup in object mode, then tried to make the bezier circle the child of snow’s wrist control in pose mode. It didn’t work, so I tried creating a bone for the cup to use a bone constraint in pose mode, but I can’t select either the cup or the wrist control now. Also, when trying to create a custom shape for the bone control, my blender will crash every time. Not sure if that’s a bug or I’m doing something wrong.
Basically to summarize, I’m wondering how people parent objects that move in object mode but need to animate those objects in pose mode with a character rig. Is it a matter of switching between each mode while animating?
If anyone can provide any help on this matter, I would greatly appreciate it! I’m still learning parent constraints so I’m open to learning better ways of going about it.
It can be easier, if somewhat counterintuitive, to put the constraint on the bone and have that follow the cup, instead of having the cup follow the bone.
Thank you for your reply! I just tried putting the constraint on the bone in pose mode. That constraint is working, but now I can’t seem to select the controls on the snow rig in pose mode? Not sure what to do.
That solved it! I had locked object mode turned on.
One more thing, now that the cup bone is constrained to his hand, it moves out of place after rotating or translating. Should I be making the bone the child of the wrist controller, or the cup?
Also, is there a way to make selection sets in Blender, similar to Maya? I’d love to only select all the controllers on the rig and the cup instead of selecting the entire scene.
I don’t know. You can make bone collections with the controllers in them and select those, but I don’t know if that will mess up what the Snow Rig already has going on, and it doesn’t sound like what you’re actually looking for.
If both the Snow Rig and the Cup bone are in pose mode, then selecting everything (Hot Key A) should only select the bones, and not the rest of the scene.