Parenting problem

no I don’t have kids!
each object numbered 1 to 9 is parented to the previous one.
3 is parented to 2 etc.
so if I move 1 then all the rest should follow.
I positioned them all in a row close to each other.
then blender says Hey! they look better apart!
well I don’t agree. what is happening?

thanks all


panel problem.blend (1.47 MB)

dunno why it put the pics in twice! how do I fix it? thanks

How did you apply the parent? Was it through the Object panel under relations or with the cntrl+P menu?

Do you have unapplied rotations or scales on any of the meshes? Please post them blend file here for inspection.

Cheers, Clock.

thanks. ctrp P to parent.
Do you have unapplied rotations or scales on any of the meshes - no.
don’t remember how but the problem is solved.
thanks all