
I have made a car with wheels, stering- wheels, seats, and mirror. For each objekt i parent them with Ctrl + P and at last the Shift . No problem.

I try to animate the car to rotating.
I select everything by use B and press I key and Rot and up-arrow twice then i press R and hold Ctrl down during thev time I rotate my object. then I press I key and Rot.
I like to se the result so I press Alt+A and everything fall apart from each other. ???
Do you know wath missing

Thank for reply.

< >

hey there.
if you parent everything to the car base, you only need to select the car base and rotate it.

anyway, parenting works like this. first select the object you want to be the child, then select you parent and press ctrl+P :wink:

that’s all i can see what’s wrong, i’m not that great at animation

(this schould be in the support section btw)

Hello Claus, thanks for reply, I need to practicing little bit more.