Is there a way to erase all parental links in an instant?
thank you.
Is there a way to erase all parental links in an instant?
thank you.
Ctrl-X, unfortunately you loose everything else with it.
Well then is there a way to erase parental links at all? Except for messing in the OOPS… I really can’t make any sense of it…
Have you tried selecting parent and child and hitting alt-p?
ooh thanks, that works a feature i had no idea about
Does AKEY, alt-p not work?
Only on the active layer.
I admit I didn’t think of it though because my whole default lighting setup is parented to the active camera (and I ignored the possibility that he didn’t know Alt-P)
You mean selected layer, right? There’s a difference between active layer and selected layer, although the only way to know this is by creating an object. A (better) visual representation would be good.
Yes. Selected layer(s). Thanks!
Okay. Another one - if I add a constraint “track to OB:Empty”, then parent the empty to a mesh, the object will no longer follow the Empty, but the mesh’s centre. How can I avoid this? I need the mesh’s center to be where it is.
[hint]S68, piston tutorial, mech[/hint]
works correctly here… :-?