How do you parent an object to another object.
Select the object that will not be the parent, then select the object that will be the parent (holding shift so the other object will not get deselected), press control-p or use the Object menu > parent > set.
In object mode, select objects one at a time while holding down the Shift key.
Select the object you want to be the parent last.
Press Ctrl+P
And before you ask: to unparent a child object, select it in object mode and press Alt+P
Is this different from going in the constraints tab and select “child of”?
And by doing this the changes made to the material and/or texture of the parent will also be the same for the child, right?
no, it will move or rotate along with its parent for instance.
How would I get the material/texture for one object to be the same for a few other objects that are similar?
Name the material, then click on the color wheel button next to the “New Material” button. A list of materials will pop up and you can select the desired material from the list (repeat for other objects). Materials that are not currently in use are preceeded by a zero.
The problem is more with textures than materials. I’ve been practicing modeling for a few months now but have not even tried to mess with textures or materials. I only learned how to apply textures three days ago. I decided to pick up a model that I started a couple of months ago but could not finish due to lack of experience. I have five wheels on each side that are identical to one another. Half of it has a mirror modifier applied to it which fixes half of the problem. To avoid having to UV unwrap and texture each one individually I need a way to be able to just texture one and have it applied to the rest. Can anyone help?
Then just do one wheel, and copy (by which i mean duplicate) it after it’s done?
I was thinking about this too but I kind of need the wheels in place to properly place the tracks before they are textured. I suppose I could delete and duplicate the wheels after I place the tracks. Thanks for the help.
Just duplicate the wheel using alt-D instead of shift-D; that way the mesh data will be shared between the objects and any changes to the geometry, materials and textures will be applied to all the wheels.