parody threads

Ok people, we must seriously consider making fun of each other and ourselves. After all, off topic is a serious thing. We must be aware that we all have a duty to keep off topic topics on topic and not to let any sense of humor divide our common goal. People depend on us. There are thousands (if not millions) of people waiting for our insights. I can only ask for blessings on mankind.

Go,into the light, with all seriousness,


see the “when the f$%# is 2.43 coming out” thread for some serious off-topic discussion on future blender releases. We took that poor boy so far off course he wasn’t even ‘topic’ anymore. But we did so with the best of intentions, so we werent locked.
I think the Let’s Play with its 4000 entries has to be the record holder as the best off-topic ever.

We took that poor boy so far off course he wasn’t even ‘topic’ anymore

So, are you bragging or apologizing?

Parotty threads are great, but they have to be done just right. There’s an art to it.

Yeh…I know

Take these and learn from them:

Funny, ain’t it?

Thanx folks…

yes they border on the verge of spam most times.

I love a good laugh, but i don’t like wasting time. i was using internet cafe’s a lot recently on my holiday, and came to the conclusion that most stuff here wasn’t worth paying for. and that is sad.

I don’t lock valarkings stuff, because he normally does it well. the other factor was we already have to many console parody threads, there is a limit. and when a parody thread gets a parody thread then its a sad day indeed.


p.s. valarking no going and doing a parody thread of a parody thread just to show your good timing :stuck_out_tongue:

BWAAAAAAARGH was the best OT thread ever, because we didn’t have to go “yay” or “nay” and then ask some random remotely related question.

Instead we talked about games, had a quotathon, talked about life, played with HTML, and got warned.

Has anybody ever played a videogame?



Videogames make you a violent and evil person.

hijacking now…