partially appended objects or error reading file, logic may be incorrect

Hi All

I have been updating all my code from blender 2.45 to 2.49b, however i’m having an issue with one of my scenes when I append from a different .blend file.[

I get the error below,
the scene seems to work just fine, but I recieve all of these messages before anything loads on this one scene

Warning, sensor "sensor2" has lost a link to a controller (link 1 of 2) from obj
ect "Plane.14701"
        possible causes are partially appended objects or an error reading the f
ile,logic may be incorrect
Warning, sensor "right" has lost a link to a controller (link 1 of 2) from objec
t "Plane.14701"
        possible causes are partially appended objects or an error reading the f
ile,logic may be incorrect

how can I remove these messages, without deleting objects or the whole scene?


Can’t you simply recreate the logic links?

when I appened from a different .blend, I remove the python scripts and any links to other scenes, should I remove all logic bricks and recreate them?

I have tried appending with and without logic bricks and python scripts, it still reports the samepartially appended message.


Will I need to recreate the whole scene from scratch?

Nevermind I worked it out,

I needed to remove all logic bricks before appending the scene, then added the logic bricks again once moved accross.

A long process, but working none the less.
