On Windows XP Home SP3, it’s pretty simple: whether from zip or the installer, with root or normal user privileges, the program crashes without any message, except for the ordinary sorry for inconvenience. The alpha version worked, but was a bit buggy.
On Debian Lenny, I have the common python problem:
found bundled python: /home/samu/Letöltések/blender-2.53-beta-linux-glibc27-i686/2.53/python
Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: can’t initialize sys standard streams
ImportError: No module named encodings.utf_8
The freshest Python package on Debian is the 2.5, so I have an installed 3.1 from source, but I don’t use it regularly.
I tried moving/deleting python dirs, setting PYTHONPATH/PYTHONHOME variavles and some other things, but the result was the same, or, if I deleted the bundled python, blender didn’t find any installed blender lib, regardless of environment variables.
I’m on W7 and have the same issue.
In my case Blender can’t handle several renders in a row (hitting the Animation button), I think it’s related to open exr that Blender can’t read or find on my system.
Going back to Blender 2.51 solves the problem … can’t help you more on this
Look to see if /home/samu/Letöltések/blender-2.53-beta-linux-glibc27-i686/2.53/python is empty, and if so delete it. EDIT: D’oh, looks like you’ve already tried this without it working. Sorry.
Don’t know about the Windows issue, but I’m guessing it’s similar.
Report the bugs to the bug tracker and if you see some bug that it is on your machine too , then comment that bug so the developers will know this way it is not isolated case.
Anyone on Blenderartist (admins) will make a vote pool for bugs like someone reports the bug then others only give a thumb up to it ? And add his pc specs only one time then only vote the bugs and report them ?
I`m not a developer but this ideea will give a fast bug traking system than reporting and reporting same thing and magle all things up.
For now: put Blender in a location that doesn’t have non-ASCII characters - I think it’s already fixed in trunk, but to be safe, just don’t put in locations that have accented characters and whatnot.
@stvndysn: Blender itself doesn’t have code to turn of the machine. I replied in the tracker that I do get a crash of Blender, but no turning of machines. As Brecht mentions, this points to bad driver or overheating machine (when was the last time you blew it clean? ), or maybe even bad memory.
I’ve tried in an ordinary location, and the Windows installer has put it under Program files, and it doesn’t work.
Under Linux, moving out of non-ASCII directories solved the problem.
To be clear, the situation is now:
-Under Linux, the program is OK.
-Under Windows XP Home SP3, it “encountered a problem and needs to close.” Running both the .zip or the installed, both as root or normal user, etc. The installed Python version is 3.1.2.
So this was working but now it is not in Windows. Have you delete the default blend (b25.blend) file. Doing so will get rid of any changes so make a backup somewhere.
There are now two things you could do. Firstly, make sure there is no PYTHONPATH nor PYTHONHOME whatsoever on your machine. Blender 2.53 for Windows has Python 3.1 bundled, so no need to install separate Python installations. If after removing all Python related environment variables still doesn’t work you might want to create a .bat that sets PYTHONPATH to the one bundled with Blender 2.53 (2.53/scripts/python/lib under the installation directory) and call Blender from that same script.
If even that fails: I think your best option currently is to run Blender.exe through http://www.dependencywalker.com/ and see you have all necessary DLLs it is looking for. I’m not sure now what extra is needed - the msvc8 runtime dlls are packed with the zip and the installer installs them for you, maybe there are some other dependencies of older libs I’m not aware of and you for some reason don’t have on your machine. Maybe some msvc7 runtime dependencies?
Depends.exe missed one dll, efsadu.dll. After placing it into system32, there is another warning comes from MPR.DLL:
Warning: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in a delay-load dependent module.
and a red function:
The road that leads to the MPR.DLL is long: