Particle bubbles in fluid simulation

WOW!!! I never thought of that for a bubble animation! That loks really good! I’ll make a test of that right now…

Just tried that myself, and yes, it does do a pretty decent job! (actually it does a pretty damn good job!!!)

Great thinking DadCantDraw! :slight_smile:

There’s a VERY simple example that I’ve uploaded here. Whole things took about 30secs to create.

The credit for the idea goes to tmr232. My daughter is standing here wanting the computer for so I’ll check out the blend later <grin>.

I’m baking it right now, thanks for describing the steps !

Can you briefly describe or point me towards a link for creating/applying a clear water texture?


This is a water texture that I used in my fluid sims…,

The only settings I altered from the default material were:

Colour: R 0.84, G 0.91, B 0.977

Alpha 0.489

Spec 0.9
Hardness 50
Trashad ON (remembering to turn trashad on for other materials too)

Raymirror 0.11

RayTransp ON
IOR 1.33
Fresnel 2

I hope that helps you.

Thanks !


If you use Yafray, a new option appears in the Mirror Trans tab with presets. I like the “colored glass” without any color for water.


Hmm, thanks, I just tried it and got a nearly black image, I’ll try tweaking the lights, I know the lighting setup is different for Yafray, I haven’t really used Yafray much.

When I was setting up the water material using Dodgy’s setttings, I noticed the RayMirror settings, and thought to myself, “Oh no not raytraciing”, but decided to try it anyway.

On my meagre machine it was taking ~5minutes / frame, so I cancelled it and then checked out how I had done my waterski tests, and saw that somewhere I had picked up on using the ZTransp material setting.

Using that, with Ray trace off, the render times dropped to ~7 seconds a frame !

It doesn’t look too bad either at least for testing purposes, to see what the fluid sim is doing. For those of you with modern fast machines, you can probably get almost “instant” rendering :slight_smile:

Bubble test


Seeing as I have nothing else to do, I’m doing the sim with raytracing. But I’m using five very small outflows. I’ll post the results as soon as it’s done.

Interesting difference in the effect, just by changing the resolution from 60 to 30

Bubble fluid res 30.avi


Yafray takes some very different setup, but I think it’s worth the extra time - just my preference.

I couldn’t resist adding a little sound to your test movie <grin>. Ah, the 12 year old in me will never die.

Well, I did it. Raytraced the simulation with 5 very small bubbles. The effect of the water falling at the top of the domain is very odd, but quite nice to watch. The bubbles don’t really cut it - as bubbles go. Anyway, have a look and let me know what you think.

Have a look at some of my other videos while you’re there. They’re not all blender related though. Sorry :wink:

It looks great raytraced! I tried for this test, but it was taking 8 min a frame. I’m getting the weird pre-bubble ripples at the top, too.

Parenting bubble spheres to a particle emitter and dupliverting doesn’t work. The fluid sim won’t recognized dupliverted objects. If you make the dups real (Shift+Ctrl+A) then they don’t move with the particles. After you make them real you can move them with location keys. I went to the last frame (120 in this test), made the dup’ed spheres real, set a loc key, went to frame one, moved all the bubbles so the top bubbles were at the bottom of the fluid and set another loc key. After baking, you should move the spheres (and anything else you don’t want rendered) to another layer.

To keep the fluid level constant you need to add a submerged inflow object. Add some smoke on top and you could have a dry ice simulator <grin>.

.blend file:

Hi blenderheads , using ~J~'s blend file i rendered this little movie with PovRay with caustics and no GI , hope you like it , PovRay is way better than yafray :stuck_out_tongue:

Excellent! I am interested in Povray now - what’s the difficulty on a scale of 1-10 - do I need to know the XML parameters or does the script do most stuff for me? does it support quad multithread? is it faster? what does it do that yafray doesn’t? is it free? thanks for the tip.

it is easier than yafray :smiley:
you only need the blender build that has povray integration :slight_smile: , for photons povray uses the simple lamp light, you only activate photons in the Povray panel

here is the link to the PovRay site

Nice, how long did it take to render?, what are your P.C. specs?


about 1minute per frame , i have a 1300MHz duron with 512m sdram :frowning:

it’s alot faster than yafray :smiley:

I downloaded the pov build awhile ago, I’ll try it again. Does it need special lighting requirements from the Blender internal?

Did you try rendering your scene with Blender internal (ray on) and Yafray and compare all three?

Can you post that file? I’d like to try it with pov on my 1.2g /256meg machine.
