In the cube i create a particle system with ~200 particles set on volume and random, emitted from 0 to 0, to have all of them at the same time. Then in the render panel of the particle system i choose Object and my previously created Leaf.
At this point i press SHIFT+CTRL+A to make all the particles real duplicates of the leaf and i move the cube away.
Then i go back to the leaf, i set it to be a Cloth with really high stifness and very little mass. I UV unwrap it and give it a material.
I select all the leafs created previously then i set as active object the main leaf ( select it again, must be outlined yellow ), then i want all of these object to have the same data as the main leaf so i press CTRL+L and choose Object data, now all the leafs will have the same data ( cloth properties ) of the main leaf.
Set very high strenght for the wind and press play
You can make them float for more by decreasing the gravity, like this:
I know this method and i will test it again. But my problem is i want to expel the particles for a longer period of time…lets say 8 secs.
If generate all the leafs at the same time and push them they ll be out in a sec. If u get my point.