Particle driven cloth objects HOW TO?

Hey Blenderheads!

I want to simulate 200 leafs blowing straight up from a hole.

Is it possible to create a particle system where each ‘particle’ is the mesh object of a leaf where each is effected individually by the wind system?

I tried particle system that emits leafs with cloth modif. NO SUCCESS
I tried particle instance. NO SUCCESS

Please help me.

Maybe you cand handle with drivers and shapekeys. By the way, why do you need the cloth modifier?

If the prboblems is collisions amongs particles maybe you can use Molecular Add-on

Hey pecador thanks for answering.

Colision amongstt particles are not so big of an issue. I just want the leafs to bend randomly/realisticaly shooting upwards.

Shapekeys could work but making that to 200 - 300 particles would be overkill. OR?

Any other ideas?

I found a way that can help you:

I created a low poly leaf based on a reference picture:

Then i created a plane, a cube and a wind object:

In the cube i create a particle system with ~200 particles set on volume and random, emitted from 0 to 0, to have all of them at the same time. Then in the render panel of the particle system i choose Object and my previously created Leaf.

At this point i press SHIFT+CTRL+A to make all the particles real duplicates of the leaf and i move the cube away.

Then i go back to the leaf, i set it to be a Cloth with really high stifness and very little mass. I UV unwrap it and give it a material.
I select all the leafs created previously then i set as active object the main leaf ( select it again, must be outlined yellow ), then i want all of these object to have the same data as the main leaf so i press CTRL+L and choose Object data, now all the leafs will have the same data ( cloth properties ) of the main leaf.

Set very high strenght for the wind and press play :slight_smile:

You can make them float for more by decreasing the gravity, like this:

Ask if you need more help! :slight_smile:

Hey Thanzex!

I really appreciate you took the time for me!

I know this method and i will test it again. But my problem is i want to expel the particles for a longer period of time…lets say 8 secs.
If generate all the leafs at the same time and push them they ll be out in a sec. If u get my point.

I ll upload a blend file. I think wind doesnt behave as it should here?!

Ok i think i found a solution. Thanks for the help.

Mark solved.