I am on a MacBook Pro late 2008 with OSX 10.7.5 & Blender 2.64a 64bit. Learing by rebuilding what many of you generous guys explain in youtube videos, i now seem to stumble upon a bug. Since I am not sure I wanted to check with you guys,because - still being a newbie - I might not understand correctly the functionality of various features.
A finished mesh (a bird, to be exact; the mesh has weight paint / is weight painted (?what would be the proper formulation here?)) is supposed the get a hair particle system. Having assigned one to a vertex group, I switch to “Particle mode” to comb the 500 hairs. A button appears: “Diconnect Hair”. Clicking on it makes the text change to “Connect Hair” and evetually clicking on that button suddenly scales the mesh (once it got smaller each time this process was repeated, once it got bigger).
The undo button unfortunately does not bring back the mesh to its original scaling.
My questions:
- Can anybody of re-create that “effect”?
- Is this an intentional behaviour?
- If it is intentional, then - why? What is the sense of such a behaviour?
- If it is not an intentional reaction, then it seems to be a bug. I already visited the bug site and checked whether such a “problem” is already reported; it does not seem so, but I also don’t find a button, where I can actually file a bug report. Any help?
Thank you in advance!
Best greetings from Vienna,