first check this out (the second video, the one witht eh blue lines)
interesting particle lines
now my question
for a month now i tired to get my particles to look like this
i dont care for the animation, or the movement (although it is amazing)
i want to know how can i make my particles look like this? like form a line, i tired and tried
the closes i got was a line of dots
when i applied a texure to it, it went the wrong way,
vectors didnt help either
can anyone please help me and perhaps tell me what i need to do to get this line drawn effect???
also, in halo textures, is it possible to make them not emit??? so that when i have no light in a scene, then u cant see them? cuz right now, even when i dont have any lights, i can still see them, which is good in some scenes, but not in my case
i would greatly appreciate any help anyone can give me regarding this line drawn effects of particles.