particle lines?


first check this out (the second video, the one witht eh blue lines)
interesting particle lines

now my question

for a month now i tired to get my particles to look like this

i dont care for the animation, or the movement (although it is amazing)

i want to know how can i make my particles look like this? like form a line, i tired and tried

the closes i got was a line of dots
when i applied a texure to it, it went the wrong way,

vectors didnt help either

can anyone please help me and perhaps tell me what i need to do to get this line drawn effect???

also, in halo textures, is it possible to make them not emit??? so that when i have no light in a scene, then u cant see them? cuz right now, even when i dont have any lights, i can still see them, which is good in some scenes, but not in my case


i would greatly appreciate any help anyone can give me regarding this line drawn effects of particles.


Matt made that by setting all the particle velocity settings to zero and moving the mesh, so it lays down a trail of particles. You could even do it with single vertices. Set up a particle system to emit only from Verts, and set the Amount of particles high so they overlap even if the mesh moves quickly. I think it helps to set the Keys to maximum too. Animate the mesh moving about and you’ll get trails.

Edit: Colin Levy has a nice video tutorial about this techniqueat his site.