Particle-Node Update

it’s been long, i thought this was funded like the compositor?

True true… Looking forward to it :slight_smile:

Just wanna know, is the particle node project stopped until the depsgraph project is finished?
I was watching these videos and wondering is the current version advanced enough to achieve for example this desintegration effect??
I mean particles emitting particles and particles etc

ok, any official word here?, it’s been three years since this started, please don’t make another bmesh :frowning:

I think Custom python nodes is Lukas priority a the moment. But I’m sure he’ll get back to particle node development soon. He’s still a very active developer.

Watch his bconf speach if you want more information about the project:

Don’t worry Bat3a :slight_smile:
I 've just played a lot with the latest build and appreciate the node way to play with particles. That’s why I wonder this project is not dead and poeple has already started to use it. Unfortunately I 've seen any other example excepted those ones shown by Lukas himself.
Thank’s for the link Gustave

Really interesting , I hope there might be a pre made node group. I’m more concerned I’ll will have more crashes trying to learn. Plug and play. Is there going to be a collision node then?

" 7 years later "

Bump :laughing:
I didn’t know that blender had another " everything node " project, what happened to this ?

check this out:

what does it have related to this ancient thread ?

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I must admit I don’t get it either. That seems like an entirely different thing, no?

the everything nodes thread? you were talking about this!

Lukas Tonne had a bunch of super cool prototypes, a shame he left. There was also a a procedural modeling context that looked awesome. I hope he’s enjoying whatever he is working on nowadays.

… He was surprised to find out that this, as in the project that this thread is about, existed, and he wondered what happened to it. What you’re linking to is a random post within the Everything Nodes project, which @razin clearly knows about as he mentioned it.

this guy?önne-94a696128/?originalSubdomain=de

He’s working at Havok


Gotcha! I didn’t read his message properly. I feel so sorry for that!

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