Particle Physics

I have been using Blender for a while now and am working for a pneumatic conveying company right now. I need to make a system that conveys particles. Here is a picture of the system.
Is there a way that I can have particles fall through the system and be stopped by the walls and flaps? Is there a way to constrain movement of the particles to a certain area and have the constraints change? This is a hard post and I am pretty sure that this can be done with python but i am not a progrrammer. If anyone has some tips or tutorials please tell me if you understand what I am asking.

Unfortunitly, Blender does not have particle dynamics (particle dynamics is basicly what you’re talking about in your post).

There is a python script called “Dynamica”, which has particle dynamics, rigid body dynamics and (i think) soft-body dynamics. It’s still in alpha and it’s not being released yet, so basicly your on your own.

that sucks

in its current state, Dynamica could not do what you want…


Thank you Theeth for your speedy reply. Thanks for the information; it was just wishful thinking.