Can anybody recommend a comprehensive tut/guide to using the particle system? I’m trying to animate an hourglass, and while the particle system is seemingly doing what I want it to, the renderer is not.
to see them in render, give them a material and switch to halo. experiment with the settings. don’t render with yafray (as it doesn’t support particles, if i remeber correctly)
halos can’t seen in materials that have raytransp, use ztransp instead. you will lose the refraction though. :-?
Well, if you don’t want to use ZTransp to see halos through it, you could try using dupliverts to make a whole bunch of tiny spheres. This might not look good or make the render time insane though.
(Yea, tested it, using dupliverts works)
I am using halo, I’m not using Ztransp, and I’m using Blenders renderer.
Why are they showing up as a ball instead of falling particles, as in the Blender edit window?
probably because you set halo size too big.
and you have to use ztransp to make them appear inside the glass, it don’t work with raytrace.
Try modelling a tiny 4 sided ‘grain’, and parenting it to your emmitor, and clicking on ‘dupliverts’. It will be a cool effect and the raytracer will have no trouble handling it.
Use an Icosphere, rather
Can you give more detailed instructions on making it emit a mesh, or refer me to a tutorial? I searched and I’m having hard luck finding anything.
I’ve got the sand working with cubes (thanks Modron). I need to know how to set keys for the locations of vertices, changing the size Z of the bottom sandpile works great but for the top one it isn’t so.