Particle system is creating particles away from the emitter object.

Hi BlenderArtists,

I’ve been having a problem with particle systems on certain objects and was hoping someone here may have the solution :slight_smile:

For example, I have a ring/torus object which I am using as my emitter, I set the partcle system to emit objects on the faces however it also emits particles inside the torus (not in the objects volume, but in the middle). here is the blend file:
particleproblem.blend (2.12 MB)

The emitter ring…

The particle system result…

I have tried flipping faces, recalculating normals, weight painting or vertex grouping, however, none seem to have solved the issue.

It is indeed a weird one.

Any help, would be greatly appreciated.

I might help with this. If you have children make sure the ‘radius’ is set to zero; it causes the children to expand to a sphere and not stay on the 2D mesh surface.

I know this is old but did you ever find a solution not involving child objects? I have the same issue

Starting a new scene from scratch, with global and relative positions of either the emitter and the collection/object to be emitted, solved my problem.
then I moved anything around by parenting the instance to an empty.