particles don't follow the emitter

I’m trying to have a plane emit particles, and move that plane along a few axis in a certain timeframe.
I’ve set the time, speed, gravity, random, amount, blahblah. I think it should be kinda correct.
I ran a small test before I started with particles in this file, and things worked there… :frowning:

I have a plane that emits particles.
This plane is parented (ctrl+p) to a bone.
The bone moves, and the emitter moves.
The desired effect is that the particles move too.

These are my settings:
Shot at 2009-06-20

I did a search. One thread meantioned shortening the filename, so the map’s name for the cache wouldn’t be cut short… Didn’t work…

:o Nevermind… just found the solution, read over it…
begin and end may be set in the first particle tab, but I didn’t set it in the bake tab as well.
works like a charm now…