I added particles to my game, but they dont show up. Please help me.
correct, particles dont’ work in the game engine
neither do curves, lattices, nurbs, text, metaballs, world textures, procedural textures, ray shadows, buffer shadows, area lamps, soft body physics, vertex keys [of all varities], different lighting models [toon, bilinn…], and a bunch of other things I can’t think of at the moment.
So there is no possible way i can use particles in a game?
No, you can’t use blender particule effect in the game engine.
But you can fake it.
search “particle” in this forum.
Or have a look in the “fakes” section on my site
There is also the Flare demo in the 2.41 demos pack
What is the flare demo then? I thought it was particles.
Oops in fact the correct name is Flair (I don’t understand it though). Well it’s a kind of particle isn’t it?
Download the 2.41 demos at the blender downloads page. It’s in the ‘graphics’ directory of the archive.