Particles Insist on Going Up

I have particles that insist on going up on the Z axis no matter which way I turn the emitter and modifier lattice. If I turn them 90 degrees sideways, the particles take a curve that leads up. The Velocity settings are Normal: .50, Random: .035, Texture: .180, and Dampening: .050. Any not listed are at 0. The Force and Texture force are all set at 0 for X, Y, and Z. In the Texture Map To settings all the X, Y, and Z settings are the same. For ofsX,Y,Z, they’re all 0, for sizeX,Y,Z, they’re all 1.

I’ve tried to find any other grid settings to change them, but that’s all I’ve found. When I reduce the Texture velocity setting, the particles will go whichever way the emitter points, but with that setting up (and it needs it), they will always go upwards.

How can I stop this? What is forcing the particles to go up the Z axis?


You have to change Z force to a negative value…

Here’s a little more detailed rephrasing: When I have a particular texture added to the emitter, the particles want to go up. I’ve changed the Force setting on the Z access for the Texture under Particle Motion. It has no effect.

Without the texture, the particles will go along the X axis without any trouble. If I add the texture, then the particles only go up. I tried Z=0 and X=1 instead, but it made no difference.

What is it in a texture that can force particles to go up the Z axis all the time?