Hi, I’m trying the fire tutorial in blender art magazine and when I make a render I can’t see my particles, I see them in the 3D view and I selected their layer but they wont render! can someone help me please.
Here’s my blend file + the cache folder of the particles:
I’m having the same problem with the new particle system, mainly for hair. I let it render for 3 hours and all it gives me is a single hair strand. Should I report the problem as a bug?
Hopefully someone knows the problem…
no, I don’t think it’s a bug, I downloaded the finished file and it rendered perfectly. It’s something I did but I can’t find what.
All i can suggest is turn off the particle system and straight back on in the pop up button to the left!! That sorted a problem out for me before!!
Thanks man it worked
Unorthodox but does the job. I has hairs on a bird. When i moved the mesh the particles stayed where they were - so did the trick and presto
heuuu, doesn’t work perfectly, when I bake, the probleme returns anyone noes why?