I’ve been using Blender for quite some time now, and frequently have encountered this problem, on a variety of different PCs, although I have NO idea what is causing it.
I wish that I could be more specific, although I do not know what else I can say about this issue, the model simply does not appear fully.
The model is a WIP, I’ve only been working on it for a few minutes, but I’ve already encountered this issue. Does anyone know how to solve this? Rather than simply…restarting my project.
Only one side of a plane shows up when the game is played. You can extrude more edges out to cover it up and it will appear solid again. If you need to flip which part of the plane shows up then select the desired faces and press ‘Ctrl + N’ to flip the normals outside or ‘Ctrl + Shift + N’ to flip them inside.
in the face settings in edit mode (the object has to have UV coordinates to see the tab) select all the faces you want to be 2 sided, click 2-sided, and then copy slightly up and to the right.
remember, though, that every time a face is made invisible the game engine saves a little performance- most of the time there’s no need to make a face 2-sided. For your model I recommend extruding and capping off the end, as this will give the model some thickness. It looks odd if it’s paper-thin…
Be careful with 2-sided faces. They not only increase the load (and thus lower performance… though for small scenes this is minimal), but they also can cause issues with light. It’s much better to get your normals facing the correct direction than to make your faces two-sided.
If you got to the editbuttons while in editmode, you can select the “draw normals” option. This will create a little light blue line protruding out of all the faces. This will tell you which way the normal is facing. You can select individual faces, hit W, and choose “flip normals”.