
I know how to do it in logic bricks but not in python.Python would be much better.

I would just have each object have a property, that is a string, that is converted into a list,


property Q = “say hello”“ask about the key”“Tell them they are ugly”

Property A = “Hello”“The key is hidden”“I know but my father was a tree”

and then use a loop to build a list from them, using the _ to separate the chunks
and then use a few text boxes to display the Q&A’s

But how would i make the answer show up on a game property?

Property Dialog = “string to be answered”

and then have a text object with “copy property”

check out the item “Text”


CodeItAll.blend (522 KB)

What am i supposed to press?


The item “Text” is using

Always -------and--------------copy property

you can use python to change where and when it is copying,

Could you make a question and have two answers a and b and make the answer chosen show up in a property please?Have the code use the a and b keyboard keys for selection and the enter key for the one that is chosen.

Here ya go :smiley:


stringdemo.blend (431 KB)

here is a “choice prompt”


ChoicePrompt.blend (438 KB)

lol, just tested that here is a fixed one :smiley:

Accidently had a property changing “Count” to a string


oops.blend (441 KB)

That is not exactly what i want.I want a script that only requires the always sensor,the python controller and a game property to work.

and finally

Edit: Near?

if you want the prompt to appear when near, and only 1 time

Near--------------and---------------add object -prompt-
if X = 0------------/ ----------------X=1


Cursor.blend (441 KB)