Path Curve Flipped Out

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to make a little pasta via particles, but the path curve that I am using as a guide curve has a flip in it that no amount of tilting seems to be able to fix. The curve looks fine in object mode, but it has a flip/knot/kink in edit mode. Can anyone offer any suggestions to fix the problem?


The Z-Axis Blues.


Thanks Fligh,

I have the local Z-axis both going in the same direction, and verified that there is no flip showing in edit mode, but the particles still flatten out in the same area. How do I get the particles to follow the path in the same way as an extrude operation?


Try this; add an Empty then Shft-Select the Curve, Ctrl-C >> Rotation. That’ll set the Axis of the Empty the same as that of the Curve. Rotate the Empty ever so slightly off the X-Axis. This time select the Curve and Shft-Select the Empty, Ctrl-C >> Rot to copy that slight rotation to the Curve and see how it affects the Particles.


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You didn’t specify, so I tried rotating ever so slightly from both global and local X, but it didn’t change. I also tried global and local Y and Z, but it didn’t change anything either. I still have the particles flattening out in certain areas.

Is there anything else I might try?

Thanks for your time!!