I’m having a small problem with a mesh extruded along the path. The array and path modifier together work great, no problems here. But when I start tilting the path vertices, to create some banking in the corners, there is a small problem. The mesh begins to “break” in the middle part of the corner, it creates sharp angles there. I have attached the screenshots, with the lines stressed in yellow.
The question is how to avoid that. The mesh itself is quite dense, the track is 30m wide, and it’s all constructed from 1mx1m segments, so there is enough geometry in there to be smooth.
I would rather prefer to avoid manually fixing it. Some procedural solution is needed here. And I hope that there is a way to fix that, with a track of this width and banked that much…
The easiest solution to the problem that I can think of is: Simply use a NURBS Curve (Or Path, they’re both the same thing) instead. I briefly tested a NURBS path on your model and it worked smoothly.
(There might be a way to make Bezier Curves twist without cusping that I don’t know of yet, I still have a lot to learn about blender myself)