Pathfinding Help

Hi guys,
Need your help to point me in the right direction once again.
I am developing a simulation where an actor effectively goes through a house towards a target. I know that this can easily be done with a navigation mesh and steering actuator, however, what I need is for the actor to do is to stop along the generated path at predetermined waypoints and wait for user input (pretty much forward left, right). The house will be pre-fitted throughout with these waypoints.
If anyone has any idea how to implement a system like this, please let me know.
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Just target to the waypoint you are aiming for rather then an imaginary target.

Alwtrnatively you can stop the steering when detecting a waypoint.

Hi Monster, thanks for your reply
What python commands could I use to change the target?

just set the target

Hey trying to implement the part where the player knows when it has detected the waypoint to deactivate the steering actuator, how exactly would this be done?

deactivating an actuator -> send a deactivation signal

Some actuators deactivate themselves. E.g. the steering actuator when reaching the target object.