How do you make paths?
What paths are you reffering to?
AI paths?
I use nodes for simple sets, or for something more complex I would go with A*.
Paths that a camera would follow.
like a curvefollow type thing? you arent being very specific
a line that a camera would follow,so it would follow a specified path.
as in a curve? there’s a curve to IPO script somewhere…
Tarkata, I just made something like this. If you’d like to look at it, it’s in this thread:
Basically, you make a curve that you want the camera to follow (either bezeir or nurbs curve), then you select the curve, go to the edit buttons [F9] and select “Curve Path”. Now select the Camera and the curve and make the curve the parent. Select “Normal Parent”. If you want the camera to follow the rotation of the curve, select “Curve Follow” in the edit buttons (but only select that after you have created the parent relationship). Use the script by haramanai that I give a link to in the other thread to convert the path to an IPO (select only the camera and run the script from the text editor window with [Alt+P]). Then you can delete the curve and set up the logic to run the camera’s new IPO.