Paul Reed Smith Guitar

Well, I’ve posted this in the focused critique section, and I think this is just about as good as it’s going to get. I’ve posted 3 views here; tell me what you think of them. I’d love to hear other opinions on this :yes:

Hi Res Front:
Hi Res Back:
Hi Res Angle:

Thanks for viewing!

Ummm… is it just my computer, or is the formatting really messed up? Sigh… at least the images still work :wink:

the guitar looks deformed but the renders look good

How does it look deformed, and what parts of it looked deformed? I’d like to know so I can fix that :smiley:

I went and looked at a bunch of images of Paul Reed Smith guitars. The only thing that I would offer is that although your texture on the body of the guitar is correct, the lighting seems be making the humped part of the body appear to be peaked down the middle (long ways). I wasn’t able to find any images of the back of the neck but, I wonder if you don’t need to add a bit of specular there: it looks like it has a matte finish. If that’s the way it is then ignore that last.

Thanks! I’ll try to fix those things; the back of the neck is supposed to have more shine to it, but I’ve given it a large amount of specularity and a reflection, and it still doesn’t show even though there’s a spot lamp pointing directly at it. I’m still trying to figure out how to fix it. But thanks again for your response :smiley:

Do you have a bump map on it as well? Using noise for bump can affect specularity.

No, I don’t; but I’ll try doing that real quick (I hope :P). Thanks!

I updated it with some changes to the back. I made the neck reflective, and I tweaked the texture on the back of the guitar body. I’ve updated the post above (and fixed the format issue :D)

Any other critiques (other than the humped part appearing to be peaked; I’m working on that)?

None here! Keep at it. By the way, thanks for introducing me to Paul Reed Smith guitars, they’re beautiful instruments.

You’re welcome! I actually have two guitars, but neither of them are Paul Reed Smiths. One of mine broke, though (something was damaged on the bridge), so instead of paying the $200 to fix it (and this isn’t the first time I’ve had problems with it), I’m just going to buy a new one, and that new one will be a PRS (and a better quality guitar too) :smiley: Thanks!

Anyone else?

I see you fixed the back of the neck. Looks good.


This is the rest of the reply, as, according to BlenderArtists, plain old ‘Thanks’ was too short.

I think the texture looks a bit funny there. What I mean is, the texture sort of looks like it didn’t really come from a real tree. At the middle of the guitar there is this strange whitish line, almost as if the texture was just mirrored. I may be mistaking your texture for something else, but I don’t know.

@ Chakra Blender, yeah, that’s supposed to be there. The wood is cut into 2 pieces, then stuck together with a very strong adhesive. It should be accurate; I used it from an actual photo of one of these guitars :smiley:

Just like string instruments.

Okay, I just got a PRS Guitar today (and it’s my favorite guitar of all time :D), and it’s kind of funny to see how many mistakes I made in this blender version compared to the one I have in my hands right now (yes, they’re the same model).