PBR Materials 2

Philmister, there are :wink: in the Videos or in the Guides

Yeah, but it doesn’t explain how to use the fabric textures. Just the ‘rust’ and ‘scratches’ ones.

Hi Macio,
I just wonder if you could share your material preset scene, so that I can have the same thumnail as you have in the addon, I would like to expand with more materials, like glass
BTW: is it difficult to make more categories?

Good work, thanks so much for sharing.

Thank you, I’m very grateful.
Look dev is so much faster with your add on!

Macio - I’ve tried adding to both Vers. 2.78a and 2.78c, and I can get neither to appear on either the Tool or Property shelf? I’m also following the Guide, i.e. not unzipping/install from file/save user settings.

The tutorial video is making my mouth water - Help, please!

Waited two hours, then tried again. This time, it loaded into 2.78a.

Thanks, Macio, for the great add-on!

Thank you for this new version of your awesome work !
Do you have plans to add Principled BSDF to your addon?

Trying to learn this GREAT add on. Can someone post a mock up of a node tree, using the PBR add on, that would reflect a rock cliff? Mine didn’t look so hot - thanks for any help!