PC Draw Tablets

it seems like lots of people have them…so i was wondering what the best kind is and how much…is there any good ones under idk 150$?just wondering…

You should save up and at least get an intuos from wacom. They have 1024 levels of pressure sensitivity, and they register the angle of the stylus (pen thing that you draw with).

Really cool for Zbrush, it is like you can almost feel the model you are sculpting!

For just a starter one though , you can get a graphire for around $20-$50 depending on the model you go for. Stick with Wacom, the Chinese spin offs are all total rubish. They will work for about 3 months before falling apart or stopping functioning all together.My boss went through 4 of them before he took my advice and got his Intuos 3.

ok well ill probably just get the 50$ one …then convince my mom to get me a Wacom…this on im looking at is a 6 by 8in its 60$…idk it kinda like it…but its white =(…get dirty pretty fast…


i dont have Zbrush…i dont wanna buy it…but id get it for gimp or somthing…and then try to learn gimp…PS is to confussing and i like Gimp better =)…but id use it for Blender sculpting to

thanks for your reply Mmph!

Oh yes, many moons ago I was wondering the same thing. I was going to go the cheap way but then I thought, what’s the point? If you’re willing to save, go for an intuos. You WILL love it.
On the other hand, if you have to go cheap, wacom makes good stuff in general so you can’t really lose. :slight_smile:

well i like the one in the link i gave you people…its about 60$…not including S&H…but idk id say around 70$…
it has a 1024 level of pressure pen…i have no clue what that means…but i guess its good…

Yeah it’s about US$500 for the cheapest ones in New Zealand. A bit beyond my pricing so I’ll try to get a mate to buy it for me and then post it or something to me from the US.

i think ima show my mom the one up in the link…unless anyone says its crappy…

I have Ubuntu, and so wacom drivers are practically pre-installed. That would make it really nice if I had a wacom (I have some other thing, aiptek.

yeah…idk my mom said she would think about it…but she didnt even look at it…or read anything…so im not gunna get it…=(

GET AN INTUOS!!! Dont waste time ‘saving money’, other brands just dont compare. Ive used a few different ones, but nobody does it like Wacom. Even when they claim to have the saim specs, they just dont operate as well.

I saved up and got the widescreen midsize model for $330(academic price on another site), and Im positive it was the best decision.

Best of luck, hope your mom helps you out!

thanks free…yeah…but i dont get money for doing anything…the most money i ever got was like 50$…from my BIRTHDAY!..and like 45 on x-mas…

but ima get a job next year…make like 5 50 an hour…for 10hours a week.and in the summer its like 20hours…so idk

but yeah my mom might help a little =l

Get a cheap Wacom. I would rather work with my 4x6 Graphire3 than anyone else’s larger tablet.

I tried getting an off brand once to have something a little larger, it went back to the store in less than an hour. My Wacom just works and fades into the background.

Wow, this is really good.
I just got paid $200 for my work experience and decided to get some opinions from you guys about a tablet and what do you know, theres already a thread!

I checked out wacom yesterday and saw the bamboo for $129, is this good for a beginner? Right now thats what I was thinking about getting and everyone here is going on about wacom.

Also whats the difference between the bamboo and the bamboo fun?

I’m trying to get a job down at the video store atm so should I just save up for the cheepest intous which is $379?

I’m kind of in two minds because my friend is selling his xbox 360 for $200

Also whats the difference between the bamboo and the bamboo fun?


I like having the eraser be a full fledged tool. With GIMP, you have a tool for each end, so you could have a pencil for the regular end, and the brush tool for the eraser end. I would pay the extra money for that alone.

Of course, if I really had the money, I would get the Intuos.

Hmm, so the only difference is a mouse, eraser, software (which I don’t really want btw) and $50 more.
I was checking prices and I found the bamboo for a super deal ($51! brand new)

I’m only a beginner so I think 512 levels of pressure sensitivity if fine, also the eraser on the other side of the pen sounds good but I can always just select the eraser tool.

So, before I buy this, is it worth it? Will it fall apart or the pressure sensitivity go haywire in 6 months?

If you have any interest of actually getting into this, then you do not want a bamboo.

If, however, youre doing it from a very simple hobbyist standpoint, a bamboo should suit you fine(though you do not want a FUN unless your arent planning on doing anything other than signing your name with it)

Ok, I saw your digital painting thread an seeing that you have a tablet you’d know best.
I’ll look into the intuos, probably the 6x8.

What do you mean about your second point, Bamboo is only good for signing your name? Because its so small?

The qpower thereof isnt great. I mean, its a wonderful product, but its really not very powerful and can hinder you once you get going. Id just jump up to intuos so you can have something capable that will still suit your needs as you grow.

Yea allright good point, I’ll look into the intuos (part time job here i come :frowning: ). Thanks for the advice.

I agree with Free_ality, though I don’t own a tablet as of yet, I’ve read so many reviews about how amazing the Intuos3 tablets are. IMO you probably don’t want to spend $100 on a Bamboo when you may upgrade to the Intuos model a few weeks after buying it ;).

I’m saying this from what I’ve heard from Intuos3 owners.

Just waiting for my b-day…
