PC problems...

Recently I added some memory to my computer
The computer loaded up just fine and everything looked great.

I loaded a game and after just a minute or two of playing, the entire computer shut off, even though the power light was still on. Thinking that maybe the game was glitched, I tried several other games. They all did the same.

The HP links doesn’t work.

In the bios setting, disable the Quick Power On Self Test. Then it will do a simple memory test.

If that works then it’s PSU trouble.

Power supply? hmm…would getting a larger PSU solve my problem?

I have done the memory test and it passed—multiple times.

Verify your pc-memory with MEMTEST if it is ok then it is something with your mainboard or videocard
It is your pc ovecloked ? if not rise the voltages slightly not much !!! 0.5 maibe you dont have a stable power supply or your mainboard has faults on voltages then you must rise them little befor that chck your videocard Nvidia boards five some shut down thing when the GPU is fired

Doing the Memtest. This is going to take a while.

Hmm, open the cover, shake it, maybe you lost a little screw inside which made it’s way under the mainboard causing a shortcut. Even if it’s not a loose screw it’s still kinda shortcut, i guess. Also make sure your graphics card is seated properly. Plug the monitor first and then push the graphicscard two or three times into direction AGP/PCIe slot. Also check the clips of your graphics card fan.

I can help but must give me all details

What video card do you have installed?

@OneMAn: What more details do you want? I’ve given everything I could think of, so hit me up with something specific you want and I’ll tell you. =)

I have a Geforce FX 5500 256 mb AGP graphics card installed.
Cool. I had my ATI 9200SE just start resetting my box randomly after 2 years usage… no issues with nVidia.

You might check your motherboard docs and see if you have to upgrade RAM using “matched pairs”. I upgraded the wifes to 1Gb recently but was very sure to get exactly the same RAM module P/N# as the original from the same manufacturer. I have seen issues like yours over the years due to mis-matched RAM… same module size, speed, etc… different manufacturer.

Thats probably what I’m going to try next. If that doesn’t work, then maybe its the PSU.

I had the exact sounding problem, same motherboard (the problem started with the first motherboard upgrade), 5700le Nvidia. another New motherboard, upgrade from 1>2gig ram.
problems for a long time, tried everything, reboots, new hard drives(now have several spare), reformat drives, with no luck, spent a fortune on techs, more upgrades ect… Do yourself a favor and go get a new stronger power supply. That will be the cause of your problems. The power supply is being interrupted to the hard drives and that is what is causing the shutdowns. This may be caused by the motherboard but no worry.
Once I installed the new power supply, not one problem since. not one.
I would be confident that will fix your problems. If it does not your computer will benefit by the stronger power anyway. new power supply.
Hope you have success, worked for me. M.A.

get at least a 400w psu

It’s the PSU. I had the exact same problem. Your current power supply is too weak to power everything in your computer, which causes it to just shut down. Get a 400 watt or more unit, and you’ll be fine.

I currently have a 149 watt supply (I just found out after a little searching). That is dreadfully under-powered, isn’t it?
What is the minimum size that you think I could get to power the whole pc?

I’d recommend a 400watt or greater but anything above 500 and your probably wasting your money.

what is the best PSU size?

let me be the first to suggest…400 watts. <$50 at MicroCenter. Dont worry about brand, they are all the same inside.

Microcenter? I’ll check the bestbuy, compusa, and circuit city websites too.

Ouch… they are most certainly not all the same inside. there are massive differences. overload protection, heat sinks, and current accross the rails…
