Well here is a work that I did… origanally I was planning on making an entry for the weekly contest, Subject: Heavy Metal… It turned out as a pear… But it was a wonderful learning expeirience anyway… I plan to continue by building a kitchen counter around it. Let me know what you think might be improved. Thanks.
Also The Blend File If some one could look at my lighting setup and just let me know whats right and what would be better.
Yeah I know this… I havent done lighting much before, so this was new to me. I havent been able to make it look like it’s actually on the floor, Like you said it just looks like it’s floating. I’ll work with the lights some more.
What makes it look not like a pear? is it the material? the texture? the color? the shape?
BTW, I have no pear Reference for the skin of the pear which has made it difficult, I hope to get a real pear soon.
i believe its the texture or material used make it looks as mentioned like a potato do a google search for a a pear and see some of the pictures there
some are close to that and others are more smooth looking and vary in colour
other than that thats pretty nice looking
Erm… i wont eat it!
It looks like rotten!
Why dont you take a digital camera and take a picture of a real pear for the textures?
Im not an expert but I think it can help, no?
I really like the leaf, but it doesnt look real. But its a nice style!
And the pear itself is a bit… “fat”
I just remember: your fruit makes me think moe to a “coing” try google.fr and image of a “COING” for seing what is it!
sorry my english is limited for this word.
Here is an update… Is there a way to set reflections to work at a distance? The window in the ackground reflects just as strongly as the pear… So if anyone know how to do this let me know thanks. I think that the pear texture looks a little better in this one. And it isn’t quite as fat.
Well, I don’t know exactly how it goes with blender. But reflections a usualy determind by your point of view (go stand left/right of a mirror…). You might want to try moving the camera.
just don’t forget to move the leaf up the stem u probably just haven’t gotten to that yet. btw the leaf looks too thick and plastic.
the scratched texture of the pear is a little too obvious, if you know what i mean. dim down how much it affects the texture (less contrast).
lighting looks better. id use a wood material/texture for whatever it’s sitting on. just changing that would make it look better - i don’t know what the blue is.
Hey I’m really happy with this update… Reworked the lighting setup completely and changed the floor to a sheeny wood. (Thanks Imanewbielikewhoa) I haven’t had time to work on the leaf yet, I know this is weakest part of the image right now. I also got hold of a reference pear that I will be using to try and rework the material.
Hey I just ran into a problem… somehow my view is getting stuck… when I roll to zoom it wont allow me to zoom all the way in … it gets slower and slower. Making it hard.
the leaf looks really thick nd try makingthe top of the pear less of a point and more rounder and less of a contrast between the pear bottom where it is smooth like #1 because your is like #2 and the zooming is because you are in perspective mode try press ing 5 on the numpad and that should fix it