I’m moving to America now South America specifically then again they have low age of consent there and I don’t want my children getting smashed by a 50 year old man http://beforeitsnews.com/terrorism/2015/12/germany-and-eu-to-legalize-pedophilia-and-with-it-child-pornography-as-well-2456292.html
This article was published over a year ago. There’s no reason to bring it up now, especially because there hasn’t been any more news that has followed up from such an incident afterwards.
Just because it has “news” and “terrorism” in the url does not instantly qualify it as a reputable source for information. Posting a simple link to an unreliable source followed by “witty commentary” does not contribute to meaningful discussion.
You have made a typo. In the url, you have typed “blenderartists/forum/offtopic”, you probably should have typed “tumblr.com” instead.
And the original article of which this is a duplicate was posted over 7 years ago.
If you use the internet, I suggest you use the general rule ‘don’t believe everything you read’, especially from such untrustworthy ‘news’ sites.
Thread = political = closed