Peglica (A car) update

One of my friends in school was interested in Blender. He asked me to show him some of my work but i didn’t had anything seroius done yet. So he sugessted that i make a model of a car that he saw and he really likes (i hate it, it looks very ugly to me, but i agreed just to show him “what can you do with Blender”). Anyway i made another car model… Though i know it’s still not the best render of a car that i can make, i believe that i have improved a lot since my first attempt with the Ford GT 40. So here it is:


Here are the wire shots.
C&C are welcome!


Any reason you have this posted in both the Works in Progress forum and Focused Critique?

I like the model but the atmosphere and the render look… well, like a model. Look at the
Nissan 300zx
by Aidan
He explains in there about his lighting setup. (Its simple, although it is done in Yafray)

No particular reason… I just wanted to get more feedback on it since i need it finished till tomorow. Why are you asking, is it bad to post it in two different forums?
I know the lighting is bad, thanks for the direction, i’ll be working on it.

EDIT: I tried the lighting setup that Aidan has used and Blender crashed. I think my PC can’t handle the pressure…:slight_smile:
Anyway, since this project isn’t really important to me, i’ll just leave the lighting as it is for now and maybe come back later to finish it (when i’ll have the skills, or a better PC).

My main concern now is the smiley, i’ve tried everything to fix it but cant find my way out…

Anything else that needs work?
Please post your comments!
Thank you.

No, no I would not say its a bad thing to do… Just a bit uncommon I guess. I was just curious. And you might want to try HDRI lighting for your model. Really looks good with cars IMO.

Ok here’s the update. HDRI lighting, yafray render, took 4 hours…

I still need to work on those headlights, but this render looks a lot better than the previous ones. I’m also setting a scene for this car, just to complete the picture. I don’t want to leave it in mid air. I’m planning to make a beach scene. For now i have a big rock, with some plants on it, I need to make the sky, water and sand next.

how long did it take to modell this car??

Is that a tree? I would work on those leaves.

@Ubuntuud: Yes it is a tree. You’re right, the leafs don’t look good. I think it’s because of the image i was using for a texture. On it, there was a big white area from reflection of the flash from the camera.

@ARABIAN KNIGHT: Only the body of the car took me 3 days (4-5 hours a day), the rest of it was pretty easy to do. This was a fairly easy model to do, since it’s kinda blocky, no curves, no complex lines to follow.

The leaf texture is a big rsolution image, but i guess the detail is lost when viewed from a distance. I’ll probably look for a new texture later. Here’s a close up of the tree.

I made two more rocks and i think they complete the basic rocks-on-the-beach scene. Now i need to make the water and sand.