Penn Station - WIP - Third Update on Pg. 2

sorry! I guess by windows I meant the glass ceiling, and outside ones.
The interior ones are fine.
Another thing you might consider is dirtying up the windows; You could leave what’s behind them blank, if you make them super textured (might be cool)

Still not done, but here’s what’s changed so far.
-added a few people in the background
-finished up the two lower hallways a bit
-still working on the ceiling glass, don’t like it yet
-added some benches
-added some dirt to the back walls (still need to add some to the floor)

Let me know what you think. Thanks

i think you’r on the way. but as you got this nice celling. i sugest you make it a bit lgihted up. Its the sun after all. Actually. 1 in blender lamp is not the sun.
it’s not a reason the use glow either.
but, i kinda fin it a bit too dark to see the sky.

Here is the new version, it feels like it’s getting there, any C&C:

i like the clouds better…

The last image is the best, in my opinion. I like the style, it is stylish and classy. Clean. :slight_smile:

yes, the celling is now ok. good choice.
i can’t see more.
or i dont see enough. it was an estetic choice to get the place almost empty isn’t it?
in fact, though about what DOF in this image would look like. but the truth behind this is: this could use a bit of depth. cause the place is a very big place. we just don’t fell it as it should be.

The one before the last I personally like the best, all that contrast between the ceiling and the station in the last pic. can hurt your eyes :o

I like the latest update! you made good choices.

That latest update is really quite good. Shoot, if i could ever get around to such an extensive project, I sure as heck would be proud of putting out that kind of quality