People At Best Buy Are Idiots.

(Written yesterday)

I came into Best Buy today with a promise to keep: I couldn’t spend ANY money. (I was lucky to find the “24” Season 2 Free Preview DVD still in stock; more on this later.) Soon enough, I found proof towards the title claim of this rant.

First, I was shocked to find the “24” Season 2 Free Preview Disc IN THE COMPUTER AREA. DVD or not, it’s not interactive, nor is it a computer-enabled disc (well, unless you have DVD-ROM). Then I found more scattered through the store. They probably won’t get rid of the 100 discs they could get. This is incredibly sad, since 1: They wasted money, and 2: It’s a great TV show, or at least the first season was (but even so, the second season should still rule).

Second, I found even more things misplaced. I know that in a store like Best Buy, it’s likely things are going to get misplaced. But if you put “The Matrix” and “Independence Day” in the ANIME SECTION, you’re either blind, or stupid enough where it’d actually legal to give you euthenasia if we lived in Oregon. As much as the movies may have been inspired by anime, they’re neither animated (entirely) or Japanese.

Third might not be Best Buy’s fault, but is nevertheless stupid. I looked at the Criterion Collection (BTW: For those who don’t know, Criterion gives good movies with undersupplied DVDs plenty of extras, unless you’re watching “Last Temptation Of Christ” or “Chasing Amy”) for “Rushmore,” one of the best films in the 20th century. Even so, it’s not worth the price they wanted. How much was it? $37. This is in a store where more expensive “(Blank) Edition” DVDs are usually priced, at the most, for $23. As much as it may be worth it to see Max’s stage adaptation of “Armageddon,” it’s not worth that much for a one-disc DVD and should be priced at the most for $23. BTW: “The Royal Tenenbaums,” which has a Criterion Edition as well, was priced for less, and that’s 2 discs!

I saved the worst for last. I was extremely saddened to find that “Dark City,” one of the best tech-noirs ever and certainly a must for any film enthusiast, was in the “bargain bin” at $5.99. As much as it may be a joy to find a good movie for cheap (and it’s got plenty of extras, too), it doesn’t deserve to be put in the same collection as movie/trash like “Glitter,” “Ernest Goes To Camp” (how many Ernest movies are there, anyway? No offense to Jim Varney, but they’re a waste of time), and plenty of other movie that are less than 8 bucks for a reason. Worse is that awful films like “Bio-Dome,” “Son-In-Law,” and “Sorority Boys” weren’t there but put along with other “average” films. Come on! Any film with Pauly Shore deserves to be thrown into a landfill with the “ET” and “Pac-Man” Atari games. Any film shameless enough to rip off “Some Like It Hot” and throw it into a college is bad enough to a point where you’d have to be paid to see it. And here’s 26 copies (yes, I counted) of a modern classic that everyone should see, priced at $6. I would have bought it if my parents weren’t so stingy (“You already bought that one game,” referring to “Age Of Empires II”) and against R-rated films.

Not that all people involved with Best Buy are idiots–I found “Waking Life” not there, hopefully because someone bought it with good reason–but these are truly stupid complaints. Even at a place called Best Buy, it’s stupid.

stop your fucking rants and do some blender work.

Cubefan…you should use all that energy that you use (daily!) into Blender work. Or start a blog (but not here). Or write a book (but not about pointless subjects). You might get famous as a blenderhead/blogger/writer, but certainly not as a living representation of the term “annoyance”. Do the world (or at least this forum) a favor, and use all of that energy into SOMETHING USEFUL!! And i mean all that in the nicest way possible.

Blendermax, you should start selling those posters. They would sell like hotcakes. This is not to insult you, Cube. I just like the poster itself; not the intent.

That poster iss funny. Well Cubefan, they manage their stores, and if they put it at that price its either because not many people buy them, or because the distributor (?) that gives the movies to best buy has those low prices too, because theyre old movies. So no, Super Mario bros (a game i really like) on supernintendo, cant be prized at 50 $. lol. Even if they copy it on a CD and put it on PC or Playstation 2.

Hey Blendermax where do you get those posters???

the people at best buy are… hey! wtf?! i work at best buy!

ok, i may be lying, but it’s more fun this way.

Thanks for plastering the eff word all over my screen blender max.

Thanks Cubefan for allowing me to make this connection: you’re like Jimmy Carter. You see, you’re an idiot, except you have some redeeming qualities. Then one day you decide to pi** all over those redeeming qualities and just be an idiot again.

Your bus is here.


What some people don’t seem to realize on here is that I rarely mind being called an idiot. When the attacks get into my personality (i.e. attacks on “Cube”), I take it personally, but otherwise, I don’t mind getting called an idiot, or even getting told to shut the f*** up. In fact, I even try to refer to myself as an idiot on here.

As Blendermax may know, I’ve seen that before in a post of mine. SLID3 put it up (I think it’s WP van Overbruggen). I liked it so much I’ve kept it on my hard drives for quite a while. I even censored a certain word and put on my school binder because I liked it so much. (BTW: I did the same for the “Spam Fairy” picture.) Why do I like it if it’s supposed to insult me? It’s not insulting me, it insults what I say. That’s not me, it’s a symbol of me.

And by the way, how would anybody recognize me as being credible for usage? I’m only 13.

Now that was funny!


Oh, right then. CUBE SUCKS!


That poster is ALL OVER the internet.

So some people decide to mis place a few dumb movies…who gives a rip?

It not worth wasteing elysiun’s bandwidth, and storage space for you to spam us like this, no one likes it anyway.

Do us all a favor and stop post this bullsh.

i didnt even understand what you tried to say. lol. why dont you get an imaginary friend? or buy a stuffed animal, so you can tell it all your problems, and how bad best buy is. tHey’ll listen to you. can i see some of your work in blender?

this isn’t your daily journal.

I have a proposition for you. You patch your copy of Age of Kings. We go at it with full tech trees, and if I win you don’t make another post for six months. You can lurk to your heart’s content, but no posting for half a year.

If you win, then the entire community has to keep putting up with your **** until someone bans you.

Hmm, doesn’t seem quite fair, he either gets to keep on going at this or be banned. Why would he play you at all?

stop post this bullsh? :o
Sorry, just felt like exploiting some typos.


i think the game is a good idea

i think you need better insentive to play thou