Per vertex uv's?

Before cross-post accusations start, I admit I asked a similar question in the General forum half an hour ago.
However I think this a more approriate forum (and I’m dying to get this opengl exporter up and running!) so…
is it possible to export per vertex uv’s rather than per face?
Ie. if I was using a single texture for a human head and all the verts share uv co-ords there is no need to use the face uv’s.
Is it possible?

Or is it better to use per face uv’s, is that how the professionals do it?

Blender has per-vertex coordinates (called Sticky cooredinates), but there’s no way to manipulate them in the interface, other than the autogeneration button.

You might be better off using per-face UV for that reason.


I am currently working on the script for uv maping. It could be easy to add export of vertices and their uv coordinates to file with defined format. Currently I export data from it in csv format (for debugging purposes). I will publish this script in a week, so if you are interested in it, let me know.

Yeah, I don’t want autogenerated per vertex uv’s.

I have a class Face in my 3D engine and it contains the index of the 3 verts
for each face
Each VERTEX vert has it’s own uv. That seems to be the standard way of storing verts in opengl/direct3d.
I was hoping to use say, one texture and map it onto an object so that each vert has it’s own uv, therefore no need for face uv’s.

Ah well…