Perfect unwrap, but bad bake?

Perfect unwrap, but bad bake?

how do I fix it? 28MB

ok, I changed the bias and distance and it fixed it, but now I need to ramp up the resolution

I like it :smiley:

[Sealed Box Of Mystery - 3D model by BluePrintRandom - Sketchfab](Sealed Box Of Mystery - 3D model by BluePrintRandom - Sketchfab 3732366333992&fb_action_types=og.shares&fb_source= other_multiline&action_object_map=%5B8412044826340 51%5D&action_type_map=%5B"og.shares"%5D&action_ref _map=%5B%5D)

Looks nice BluePrint. What is it?

a test for a material for wall/floor tyling

the diffuse looks ok as a desktop on my android,