peripheral devices?

i’m curious as to what devices aside from a normal mouse, keyboard, or graphics tablet people use with blender and how well they work.

i use a wacom tablet instead of a mouse but i feel like i have to my stylus back in it’s stand every time i go to use my keyboard with that hand.
i’ve also been thinking of adding in a razer nostromo so i don’t have to look at my keyboard so much when i need to hit a key that my left hand has to move out of the default typing spot to use or if the distance between or amount of keys is a little too much for me to easily hit with one hand.
only downside there is that i’m a linux user so i can’t really be certain that it’ll work even if i use community created software for it.

so how about it, any suggestions about what i should look into?

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not really a technical support question.

this was more about how well someone’s chosen peripheral fits into their workflow as well as what other peripherals people use rather than compatibility with blender or linux. just mentioned the bit about linux in the hopes that people would also mention that what their using works for them if they’re using linux.

in effect i’m asking something more like would fit into the software forum’s description but with hardware.

I know of some users that use combined with the mouse and keyboard

thanks Falk. i’ve never seen that before but it’ll probably be easier to get used to than a nostromo.