Perlin Noise programming....

Before I roam other forums I though I ask here…

Anyone familiar with true Perlin Noise and the algorithmic/math behind it?
And I mean the true gradient noise, not the value noise with cubic interpolation poisoning the internet making kids think it’s Perlin :wink:

I am having troubles with 2 dimensional Perlin, the theory is all sound, but the first thing bugging me is, that the inner products of the gradient vectors in the lattice points create values n<-1 n>1.

What’s even worse, the scalar field of (x,x+1) does not match (x+1, x+2) at the seam… in either direction…

Maybe someone is interested in this, generally, mathematically or algorithmically… :smiley:

btw, the implementation in 1d was no problem at all. Works flawlessly, even with fBm octaves on top of it.