Personal archviz work

Hi guys,
I’m showing you a personal work I’ve started some months ago to complete it but its story started many years ago.
It should be a paid job but the client don’t accept the estimation…so I’ve decided to use as scene test for renderengines, addons and colormanagement.
So, months ago, after the first alpha builds of Cycles-X were released, I’ve decided to use this scene to test it.
In the same time I’ve decided to explore the ACES color management.
About the vegetation spawning I’ve used Alpha Trees for the far trees and bushes and Scatter5 beta for the grass field.
About the furniture, most of the objects come from library, for most of them I had to set the materials because the original models were not set for Blender.
Rendertimes oscillating from 1h (exteriors) to 2h (interiors), 4300 samples without NoiseThreshold (in my tests I had worst results → more noise), GTX1070.
I didn’t use any denoiser.

If you have any other question don’t hesitate to ask.

THanks for watching. :slight_smile:


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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ohohoh… thank you very much.
I’m very happy to be featured on Blendernation!
Really unexpected.

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