Personal Webpage

This is the third version of my homepage. This time I used all css for the look. It is much easier to manage the page now. If you may remember I had a company webpage before, but I don’t think that page turned out very well, plus I haven’t done like any work on it as of late. This page is not supposed to be a proffessional webpage or anything, and there could still be problems. The tutorial page is empty. I may add some links to certain tutorials on there once I have time. What do you think of the page, do you think it looks good, any problems?

… any body?

Nasty clashing colours…

Buttons could do with using the whole button area, not just the text - it isn’t intuitive.

20mins isn’t very long to wait. BA says so :ba: foo…


I know, I’m just bored and wanted some feedback

o, about the buttons I tried that, maybe I’ll try again I forget why it didn’t work

you’re allowed to edit posts, instead of double posting
[edit] like this

oh, and I tried to load the page, and it didn’t work…

hmm, try\blendermf

I know how to edit the posts, just didn’t for sum reason
also when you say my colors clash is it the red and the green?

I got a 404 error

again? wtf

[edit] did the same for me with that link when I tried it, forum did something to the link
copy it to your address bar, or just type it

okay, I copy/pasted the link, and it worked. the actual link goes to\blendermf, which doesn’t exist.
[edit] the background color clashes with the rest, I think.

oh I know why, I didn’t type the “http://” so it thought it was part of

about the color clashing do you have any suggestions. The blue and red colors I have used for a while, but for the sake of looking good, I may consider changing it. O also, what do you think about the layout

You might try out
I’ve found it to be a very valuable resource. The tool really only should take a few minutes to learn how to use. Right now the colors on your site are working against each other instead of working together and take the focus away from what you’re saying on the page. Granted you can find basically all of the colors on your page in this very forum, but they’re in subtle amounts and aren’t distracting. Except maybe the “report post” buttons but I do suppose it’s good that they stand out.

hey its me (ignore the username, I’m at school and I forgot my password so I had to make a new account). Thanks for that webpage you just gave me, I’ll have a look

you really need to change the colors, like others have said.

i use that for websites that i do.

make the website centered and maybe add some rounded corners in there, maybe a textures background. One last thing, maybe redesign the logo, change the text a little, make it unique.

PS check out my website and tell me what you think too …it’s not finished yet, still need to add content and maybe edit the template and menu a little.:smiley:

ya I haven’t got around to changing the colors (i should fairly soon tho), and about the logo, well for now I’m just keeping it simple (actually I already have a logo, but I just have the text for now), I’ll probably change that later. As for centering, that will also come later. I haven’t added rounded edges or anything yet, because all of done so far is got the layout and put some colors on it(apparently i didn’t spend enough time on that), I’ve also tried to use as little pics as possible at the moment, so it doesn’t get too complicated, I’ll do that stuff when I get to it

Your websites pretty good, the menus kind of weird with the words shifting to the other side, unless you aren’t quite done with that. I also like your logo.


what colors do you think need to be changed, is it the red on green, or what? Like I can get some ok colors from some of those webpages, I just need to know like where I should put them. It shouldn’t be that hard, its just that right now my brain is going nuts! got too much work at school and stuff, can’t think.

well it depends on how you want your website to feel. personally, i think a webpage should be somewhat based around the logo. If you don’t want to start there, pick a nice color put it in the color picking thingy and see what looks nice where. You should also keep in mind that different colors make a website have attitude. For example blue and white give a crisp, new feel while orange and red colors give it a warm feel.

If you have time, you might want to skim through the wiki article on colors:

edit: to answer your question about the green on read, i think it’s more of the fact that you used many very contrasting colors, so it’s the red on the green on the white on the blue.

thanks for the reply I’ll rework this once I have time, I get the point with the colors, If I want to use contrast I should but, I have too much. I liked the look of the green and the blue, but also the white, made it look fresh. the red came from a logo I had, but after this I may have to change that.

the green, blue and white can look good, u just gotta work it a little. So instead of using that intence blue, choose something a little bit darker or lighter, depending on what kind of feel your site will have. Another thing, try using different shades of gray, rather than black. The menu also needs a color change. The green box on the right that turns black, that should probably change, maybe go from a light green to a dark green on the mouseover. Whatever you do to your website, make it personalized. You need to find a blend of what you like about your website and what the majority of people will like.

k that sounds like an ok idea, just have to get around to it