Pet Cloud

project removed - will be locating other methods


cloud.blend (833 KB)

The desription sounds like a riddle. Number 2 and 3 have no hints for the actual look of the character.
So you want a “Fluid-Dog-Cloud” without a Head or Limbs, but the “head area” should point in the moving direction.
I can’t even imagne how this should look like.
Maybe you just want a Cloud, which looks like a Dog and shifts a bit like the motion of a Dog?
Something like that:
Google No.1
Google No.2

I can make it like you want but the description it’s confusing.
here a quick test with a dog like shape.

Let me know if this is in the right direction from your idea. it can be animated as well

project removed - will be locating other methods


project removed - will be locating other methods

  1. NO head!
  2. head points to? ermmmmmmmm no head!! how ??

soz but the guys in here are great but don’t tie the hands so tight :wink:

I don’t want to be offensive but your intention and description here are a little bit “cloudy”!
In order for anyone here to be able to make a quote and decide whether to jump in and help you out, we need to know if this is going to be only CG or movie matching with a live shot. If a footage have to matched we may need that as well. If is only CG then you need to provide the scene or some info about it. I have still to understand what’s the final product is and how this cloud-dog will be integrated with the rest of the scene. Are the other characters already been made or filmed?
With the way you have described the scene looks like the cloud-dog’s shape needs to be somewhat well defined to be able to convey any acting emotion like barking or running around (like in my example). It can be just a cloud like 4 legs roaming around the other character, leaving a cloud trail but you have not filled in many details…
I still don’t understand what do you expect to look like and what’s wrong with it.
You need the cloud to be more fluffy and less defined? The dog you linked is small but the scale factor depends on what you have as a reference around it, in a blue background you don’t have any reference so it can be of any dimension.

What’s the budget? When do you expect it finished?

project removed - will be locating other methods

project removed - will be locating other methods

The outcome of this project is to be a blender file of the object/character. I will be able to go to the next steps when this portion is completed. It does not involve the entire video. The pet cloud character must be able to be shown full screen in a closeup as to resolution concerns. The “pet cloud” does not have to have a mouth to bark.

The only dog characteristics I am looking for would come in post production. The “pet cloud” could be described as a turtle with its legs pulled in. I think part of the issue here is that my image was not available earlier. Hopefully the image I provided will make it through this time.

I agree the reference of the small dog in the picture is in the real world and the “pet cloud” is in fictional world. I would believe that the size does not matter but how close the camera might come would be of concern as to the resolution of the character. I hope this helps to clarify some of your questions.

Not offended guys - just not sure if anyone was able to help - more like you want me to hand you the project all thought out and have it described in a way you can understand it. It has always been my job in my line of work to derive what the client needed even though they did not know how to express it. Perhaps if I was in adversting or video production I would be able to put this project into terms you would be able to understand. Of course if I were in advertising or if I did have a good deal of experience in the blender I most likely would not need the help. Not upset, as much as, disappointed at the responses I got here. Good luck to you all.

Some of the replies I read in this subforum really make me cringe, but I usually don’t reply myself, in order to not derail the topic further. Since this topic is essentially done for, I will make an exception.

There’s a lot of people here who have likely have zero professional experience, but have the guts to ask their potential clients all kinds of questions that are (at this stage) completely irrelevant. To these people I want to address the following words:

You are wasting your time. You are also wasting the time of everyone who has to read your post. You give a bad impression about the kind of responses one will get when posting in these forums, making the situation worse for everyone. Since you likely have no professional experience whatsoever, I will explain to you how things are supposed to work:

  1. You read the job description
  2. If you are seriously interested, you contact the client with your portfolio
  3. If the client is at all interested in you, he will contact you back and you can discuss details

I’ve read the original description (which has now been removed) and while it wasn’t worded quite elaborately, I could immediately come up with a mental picture of it (that is, a cloud that behaves like a dog). If you can’t do that, this job isn’t for you (and neither is this profession).
If you need to ask dozens of questions just to make up your mind on whether you might be interested, you are sending a clear signal that you aren’t self-directed. Even if you’re a good artist, that may mean you’re not a good person to work with.

To anybody who is interested in posting a job here: Blender has a community that is made up overwhelmingly of hobbyists and desperately lacks professionalism, but there’s a lot of very dedicated people nonetheless. Please, bear with us.

Aaaand that seems like a good note to close on…