Peugeot 406 Car

hi blendies !!

I made this french urban car :slight_smile:


OK, it does not really look finished to me.

The basic shape is very good, but there is still a lot of work to be done:

  1. There is a gap between the doors and the frame at the bottom.
  2. There are no seams at the dors anywhere that would imply that they could open.
  3. There are no wheel wells so you can tell that there is nothing else ender the main body.
  4. The environment map needs a higher resolutin to get rid of the jaggies/AA problems on it and it really needs ot be turned down, (use the COL slider on the material to tone it down).

Sorry if I sound harsh, but with a little more attention to detail, some better materials and lighting, this will be very nice.


Yes, I’ll model the chassis and add details to the doors… probably this night…
About the gap between the doors it due to the subsurf… First I join all the meshs and I done a remove double but there were some big meshs defaults (especially with materials) so I decided to let all the meshs separated for the moment…

Although I’ve a good skill in modeling, my texturing smells like sh*t :frowning: I tryed to have a good look anyway…
The envMap is an existing image that’s why it give some pixels… I’ll try to have better material this tonight.

Thanks for your comments ! Have you got some advices about texturing ? thx.

Pretty cool car Wiz, and for a first try it’s quite good … I wish I could do the same.

There’s nothing better than raytracing IMO for good car renderings ; you should try to yaf it :wink:

See y@


Well, it can improve, but since i can’t do any better, great car! A nice one to model, i’m thinking about having the 406 for my first car model as well… IMO the very best specimen I have seen was made by an estonian 3d artist in 3dsmax
Nice shot
And some nighttime action :wink:

hope these will give you some more inspiration. It will rock

Very very Good model
But not Finished

Carnivore :

IMO the very best specimen I have seen was made by an estonian 3d artist in 3dsmax
Nice shot
And some nighttime action

Excuse my bad english but what does IMO seem ?
So about these pics of the peuj 406, it seems to be some blended pics. And the car model is not so detailled, I only like the texturing and the reflects.
Mine have about 30k polys + subsurf

Pafurijaz :

Very very Good model
But not Finished

Thx ! Yes, I have to correct some details… Perhaps I’ll model the interior, so I could set the glasses transparent :-?


There’s nothing better than raytracing IMO for good car renderings ; you should try to yaf it

:x What the hell does IMO stand for ? :stuck_out_tongue: lool
Yeah Serial, of course I’ll yaf it, and maybe pov it :smiley:

WizardNx who have to do some CS punks anims…

IMO stands for In My Opinion.

I think the car would look great if you added the Peugot badge to the front of the car, and got an environment map for the glass :slight_smile:

Very nice job on the wheels, the tread on the tyre is spot on :smiley:

IMO stands for In My Opinion.

Ok thx a lot !

I think the car would look great if you added the Peugot badge to the front of the car

damn… what a lazy am I… I thought that nobody would see that I didn’t model it… : / I have to do it now… LOL

Concerning the envmap i added one but it changed nothing (the whole scene is blue)… I’ll do an environment and make a envmap on the whole car, erasing this envmap on the blue metal (what so bad texturer am I)…

I’ll try to get a better look…
