pew pew pew

doing for a art test, hopefully be able to finish it soon.

More updates, feedback is welcome. :slight_smile:

Loving the texture work. Something feels off about the bullet. Also the overall shiny/glossiness of things are a bit much I think. Have you made a custom specular map? Everything else is pretty solid. I can see the ridge on the handle’s silhouette. Couple more edge loops and tweaking should fix that. Unless of course you were going for a low poly type asset then please ignore! Overall I like the handgun and believe with a little texture tweaking it will look even better!

Thanks EnamoredWizard, I totally agree with you! The bullet’s way too shiny so I’ve adjusted the roughness map (I’m using albedo, metallic, roughness and normal maps for this model). I’ve also added edge loop on the handle, the overall silhouette looks better now with relatively low poly count. Here’s my final render using 3do.

Now that is a nice looking gun! The textures and silhouette look so much better now!