phantasm like

I’m trying to wean myself from the chrome ball hdr pictures I’ve been doing so here is something slightly different.
First the Blender version.

And the yafray version with added detail


nice, but it would look better if the spikes were seperated from the ball, i.e. diddnt morph out from the ball…

second one looks better but they are both good

They are really good, especially the second. :smiley:
This is from the “Phantasm” film, isn’t it?


Thanks for the comments. The first one I went for a mood the second one was hdr in Yafray and I added lights in the details in the middle (each spoke had a light in it) to create the reflections on the middle part. Yes env it was based on the movie only I wanted something not an exact copy so this is what I came up with. If I come back to this project I want to add more detail and maybe an animation.

Very nice,

I actually like the ‘melting’ spikes.

THe HDRI light is a great thing. So sad that backgrounds comes invariably blurred (Of course unless you use a 30 Mb probe :slight_smile: )


Thanks S68, the melting spikes was what I had in mind. They morph out then return to a ball form, kind of like the terminator 2 robot that changed shapes. I agree on the backgrounds for HDRI maybe there will be a solution in the future as yafray continues developing…